Ethanol Gas
Headquartered in Wilmington, NC, Springer Eubank provides ethanol gas and fuel products to companies in eastern North Carolina. Located near the shipyard of Wilmington, Springer Eubank has come to be known as eastern North Carolina’s ethanol gas leader.
What is ethanol gas, and what are its benefits?
Ethanol is an abbreviated term for ethyl alcohol; a colorless, flammable liquid, ethanol is often derived from corn, and is sometimes used as a drinking alcohol. By far its most common use, however, is as an additive to fuel sources—and indeed, most gas stations now offer gasoline that is at least 10 percent ethanol-based.
There are several benefits that ethanol gas offers. One is that it is widely considered to be environmentally friendly, putting out fewer emissions that other fuel sources. Another advantage is that it is, quite simply, very common, accessible, and easy to use—which means that it is also more affordable than many other fuel types. One final reason why residents in Wilmington and beyond prefer ethanol fuel: It supports the economy, and domestic job creation, in particular.
Springer Eubank delivers ethanol fuel to southeastern North Carolina
Springer Eubank is strategically positioned in the Wilmington, NC area to provide local clients and merchants with easy access to affordable ethanol gasoline products. This includes supplies for fleets and for trucking companies; for ships; and for all manner of home and commercial use. Ethanol gas is readily available from many gas stations, but not with the same affordable prices, friendly delivery services, or strong customer service incentives offered by Springer Eubank.
Springer Eubank fuels Wilmington—and beyond
For those who happen to live in the Wilmington area, or in nearby parts of eastern North Carolina, establishing a delivery schedule for Springer Eubank’s top-level ethanol gas products is easy and affordable.
To start receiving ethanol fuel for your business, please call Springer Eubank today: